“Sharenting”: The Latest Parenting Trend and What the Future Holds


The journey of parenthood is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding, yet challenging voyages anyone can embark upon. It’s only natural to want to share those special moments and experiences with friends, family, and sometimes the world. Recently, I came across a new buzzword that perfectly encapsulates this trend: ‘sharenting’. This term sparked my curiosity, and after some comprehensive research, I’ve come to realize how prominent and potentially concerning this trend is. Let’s dive in and explore what ‘sharenting’ entails, why it’s trending, and what the future might hold for this phenomenon.

What is ‘Sharenting’?

‘Sharenting’, a clever blend of ‘sharing’ and ‘parenting’, refers to the practice of parents sharing details about their child’s life on social media. Whether it’s cute photos, funny stories, or monumental milestones, these everyday moments find their way into our newsfeeds. But like a coin, ‘sharenting’ too has two sides.

According to a study by the University of Michigan, more than half of mothers and one-third of fathers discuss child health and parenting on social media, pointing towards a significant upward trend. But what drives this sharenting behavior? And should we be mindful of its potential repercussions?

The Allure of Sharenting

There are many reasons why sharenting is becoming popular. One major factor is the ease of staying connected. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok allow us to share moments instantly with our network, creating a sense of community.

Sharenting also provides a platform for parents to share their victories, struggles, and seek advice. Parenting is an intricate dance, often filled with confusion and self-doubt. Being able to express those emotions and receive advice can be reassuring and empowering.

This insightful TED Talk covers the challenges and joys of parenting, touching on the topic of sharenting and its role in modern society.

The Flipside of Sharenting

While the pros of sharenting are evident, we must also address the potential drawbacks, particularly concerning privacy and consent.

Once a post is made public, control over who views it is lost, and it can remain on the internet forever. This digital footprint can impact a child’s future, affecting their personal and even professional lives. Stacey Steinberg’s research delves deeper into these concerns, urging parents to weigh the benefits against potential risks.

Identity theft is another crucial concern. Personal information, like birthdates or school names, can be exploited by malicious actors, endangering the child’s safety.

Responsible Sharenting: The Path Ahead

Recognizing these concerns, it’s crucial to approach sharenting responsibly. Here are some tips:

  1. Privacy settings: Make sure to update your privacy settings. Most platforms offer customizable options that allow you to control who sees your posts.
  2. Ask for consent: As your child grows older, involve them in decisions about what gets posted.
  3. Avoid oversharing: Limit posting information that could be used maliciously, such as full names, locations, and dates.

Future trends in ‘sharenting’ seem to be moving towards more cautious sharing. Countries like France have already started implementing strict laws to protect children’s digital rights. While such legislation might take a while to become a global norm, as parents and guardians, we can take proactive steps to ensure our children’s online safety.


The trend of sharenting, like any digital trend, has its pros and cons. While it allows parents to share their joys and challenges and seek support, it can also unwittingly infringe on a child’s privacy and security. As we move further into the digital age, the conversation around responsible sharenting becomes increasingly relevant. As parents, it’s our responsibility to balance our desire to share with the necessity to protect our children.

With the exponential rise of social media usage, the landscape of parenting has transformed dramatically. What it means to be a parent in this digital era is continually evolving. Amid all this change, our focus should remain on the well-being and safety of our children. Sharenting isn’t necessarily harmful – it’s about how we share, not if we share. Let’s endeavor to make our digital world a safer space for our little ones, one post at a time.

Author: Santhosh Palanisamy

As an IT expert author, with experience in the Banking and Financial Services industry. He possesses exceptional communication skills and an innate talent for knowledge sharing and blogging, allowing them to impart his expertise with ease. As a blogger and expert knowledge-sharer, our author will provide you with insightful information and practical solutions for all your technology needs. Keep an eye out for their latest posts on our blog and take advantage of their deep knowledge and expertise.