The Ultimate Resource on ISBN Numbers: Learn Why They Are Important

The Ultimate Resource on ISBN Number

As a book enthusiast, you may have come across the term “ISBN number” at some point in your reading journey. But what exactly is an ISBN number, and why is it important? In this blog post, I will provide a detailed explanation of what it is, when and how to get one, and why it’s essential for publishers, self-publishers, eBooks, audiobooks, and libraries.

What is an ISBN number?

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. It is a unique 13-digit code that identifies a particular book, edition, or format. The purpose of the ISBN is to provide a standardized way to identify books and make it easier for publishers, distributors, booksellers, and libraries to manage and track inventory.

Why do you need it?

If you are a publisher, self-publisher, or author, obtaining an ISBN number is necessary for your book’s distribution and marketing. Without an ISBN number, your book will not be available for sale in bookstores, online retailers, or libraries. Moreover, an ISBN number is a crucial tool for book industry professionals to identify and track books, from the printing press to the bookstore shelf.

The components of an ISBN number

An ISBN number is made up of four parts, each separated by hyphens. The first part identifies the country or language group of the publisher, the second part identifies the publisher, the third part identifies the book title or edition, and the fourth part is a check digit that verifies the accuracy. For example, a typical number looks like this: 978-0-123-45678-9.

components of an ISBN number

When and how to get it?

When do you need an ISBN number?

You will need an ISBN number if you plan to publish or distribute your book to the public, regardless of the format or platform. This includes print books, eBooks, audiobooks, and any other format in which your book will be available for sale or distribution.

Different types of ISBN numbers

There are different types depending on the geographic region, language, and format of the book. The most common type of ISBN number is the 13-digit ISBN used worldwide. However, some countries still use the older 10-digit ISBN. Additionally, there are different numbers for eBooks and audiobooks, and a separate identifier for the different formats of the book, such as hardcover, paperback, and audio CD.

How to obtain an ISBN number

ISBN numbers can be obtained from an authorized agency in your country or region. In the United States, the agency responsible for issuing is Bowker. In Canada, it is Library and Archives Canada. In the United Kingdom, it is Nielsen. Each agency has its own guidelines and procedures for obtaining an ISBN number.

The ISBN number for self-publishers

Why do self-publishers need it?

Self-publishers need an ISBN number to identify their book and make it available for sale or distribution through bookstores, online retailers, and libraries. An ISBN number also helps to legitimize your book and make it more discoverable to readers and book industry professionals.

How to obtain one for self-publishers?

Self-publishers can obtain an ISBN number directly from Bowker or through a publishing services company. Bowker offers different packages depending on the number of ISBN numbers you need and additional services such as barcode generation and copyright registration. Alternatively, some self-publishing platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Draft2Digital, and Smashwords offer free ISBN numbers to authors who publish through their platforms.

Cost of obtaining for self-publishers

The cost of obtaining an ISBN number for self-publishers varies depending on the country and the number of ISBN numbers you need. In the United States, a single ISBN number from Bowker costs $125, while a package of 10 ISBN numbers costs $295. Self-publishing platforms that offer free ISBN numbers typically require that you use their distribution services and may take a percentage of your royalties in exchange.

The ISBN number for traditional publishers

Why do traditional publishers need it?

Traditional publishers need an ISBN number for the same reasons as self-publishers – to identify their books and make them available for sale or distribution. However, traditional publishers usually require more ISBN numbers to cover their book catalog, including multiple editions and formats of each title.

How to obtain an ISBN number for traditional publishers

Traditional publishers can obtain ISBN numbers directly from the national agency in their country or region. In the United States, Bowker offers a Publisher Account that allows traditional publishers to manage and purchase ISBN numbers in bulk. Other countries may have different procedures, so it’s important to research the requirements for your region.

Cost of getting one for traditional publishers

The cost of obtaining ISBN numbers for traditional publishers varies depending on the country and the number of ISBN numbers needed. In the United States, the cost of ISBN numbers for traditional publishers ranges from $575 for 100 ISBN numbers to $1,500 for 1,000 ISBN numbers.

The ISBN number for eBooks and Audiobooks

Why do eBooks and Audiobooks need it?

eBooks and audiobooks also require an ISBN number to identify and track their format, edition, and distribution. An ISBN number for an eBook or audiobook is unique to that format and is separate from the ISBN number of the print book or audio CD.

How to obtain one for eBooks and Audiobooks?

ISBN numbers for eBooks and audiobooks can be obtained in the same way as print books, through the national agency, or through self-publishing platforms. However, it’s important to note that some platforms, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, require a separate ISBN number for each format of your eBook (e.g., mobi, epub, pdf).

How to format the number for eBooks and Audiobooks?

ISBN numbers for eBooks and audiobooks should be formatted in the same way as print books, with the same four parts separated by hyphens. However, to indicate the format of the book, a different identifier is added at the end of the ISBN number. For example, an ISBN number for an eBook in the epub format would look like this: 978-0-123-45678-9-epub.

The ISBN number for libraries

Why do libraries need an ISBN number?

Libraries use ISBN numbers to manage and track their book collections, including acquisitions, circulation, and interlibrary loans. An ISBN number makes it easier for libraries to identify and locate specific titles and editions.

How to obtain an ISBN number for libraries

Libraries do not need to obtain ISBN numbers themselves; they can obtain the ISBN number from the publisher or distributor of the book. However, it’s important for libraries to ensure that the ISBN number provided matches the edition and format of the book they have acquired.

How libraries use ISBN numbers

Libraries use ISBN numbers in their cataloging and classification systems, including online catalogs and databases. The ISBN number is linked to bibliographic information about the book, including author, title, publisher, and subject headings. The ISBN number is also used in interlibrary loans and resource sharing, making it easier for libraries to locate and borrow books from other libraries.

It’s also important to note that obtaining an ISBN number is just the first step in making your book available to readers. You will also need to distribute your book through various channels, such as online retailers, brick-and-mortar bookstores, and libraries.

Final thoughts on the importance of ISBN numbers

As a book enthusiast, having an ISBN number for your book is an essential part of the publishing process. It not only identifies your book but also makes it easier for readers, retailers, and libraries to find and purchase it. While obtaining an ISBN number may seem daunting at first, there are resources available to help you navigate the process and ensure that your book is properly identified and distributed.

Additional resources for obtaining an ISBN number

  1. Bowker: Bowker is the official ISBN agency for the United States and offers a range of services for obtaining ISBN numbers, including a Publisher Account for traditional publishers and a MyIdentifiers account for self-publishers. They also offer a free ISBN number with the purchase of one of their publishing packages.
  2. ISBN Agency: The International ISBN Agency provides a list of national agencies that assign ISBN numbers in different regions around the world. You can find the agency for your country or region and learn about their procedures for obtaining ISBN numbers.
  3. Draft2Digital: Draft2Digital is a self-publishing platform that offers free ISBN numbers for eBooks distributed through their service. They also distribute eBooks to multiple retailers, including Amazon, Apple, and Barnes & Noble.

In conclusion, obtaining an ISBN number is a crucial step in the publishing process, whether you are a self-publisher or a traditional publisher. It helps to identify your book and makes it easier for readers, retailers, and libraries to find and purchase it. While the cost of obtaining an ISBN number can be significant, there are options available for getting them, including through national agencies and self-publishing platforms.

Author: Santhosh Palanisamy

As an IT expert author, with experience in the Banking and Financial Services industry. He possesses exceptional communication skills and an innate talent for knowledge sharing and blogging, allowing them to impart his expertise with ease. As a blogger and expert knowledge-sharer, our author will provide you with insightful information and practical solutions for all your technology needs. Keep an eye out for their latest posts on our blog and take advantage of their deep knowledge and expertise.

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